Why we fall in love?
The very reason why people are attracted to love each other is because of their companionship.
Most commonly it can happen when they frequently meet each other due to some situations like working in the same company, studying in the same school, living with the house close to each other or neighbors, etc.
But still it becomes a big question of all, Why we fall in love?
It’s not realistic to believe in the saying ‘love at first sight’ but there are situations that you thought you fall in love from your very first sight.
It’s probably because you have met the one type of person which you had seen before and from then it was registered in your mind to be your best choice.
Thereby, as soon as you meet with the same kind of type, your mind and subconscious are triggered to feel an awesome feeling towards them, since he or she is the kind that you have been looking for.
Yet still, you can’t consider it as love at first sight, it might be just an admiration which will soon be transforming into a real feeling of love, once you will find out that you have a bigger chances of being loved too.
That’s the reason why the first acquaintance could not be considered real love for once you know that you’re the only one who is feeling that way, right there and then you will start to realize that what you’re feeling was not right and should not be kept for long.
There are anyway, some instances that from first meeting you fall in love and because of the lucky coincidences that she happened to also like you then you have proven it by yourself that there is really an existing ‘love at first sight.’
Therefore, in every situation there is an exemption, there are really some mysterious things that happened in our life that only those who experienced can explain it, because there are reasons behind it all.
What are those reasons? That is what you will be discovering when you continue reading this content.
Make sure you read up to the end in order for you to learn about love scientifically and biblically.
Reason number 1
Is there something happening inside our brain when we fall in love?
Every time we feel like falling in love, there is some part of our brain that is activated and creating extra activities to make your mind more active in thinking than before.
When women will fall in love, their hippocampus, are actively functioning to send message to the memory and therefore, women who are in love are always thinking of the men because of the increased memory that will keep on reminding the feeling they have felt.
What is hippocampus?
It’s the region of the brain that is associated primarily with memory.
The hippocampus is thought to be principally involved in storing long-term memories and in making those memories resistant to forgetting.
It is also thought to play an important role in spatial processing and navigation.
While men who are in love, they too have such almost the same feeling due to the visual cortex that is why when men are in love they tend to always think of the women for they have always seen the one they love in their mind.
What is visual cortex?
Region of the brain that processes visual information.
Whenever you are in the stage of being attracted with a person, your dopamine will be released by your brain and started to produce oxytocin, then as a result you will end up having an unexplained feeling of happiness.
Therefore, most people who have partners or lovers will have very much higher production of oxytocin compared to those who are not in a relationship.
What is oxytocin?
Oxytocin is a hormone that functions as a neurotransmitter in the brain.
It’s thought to be a driving force behind attraction and care giving, and even controls key aspects of the reproductive system, childbirth, and lactation.
Reason number 2
Once you fall in love, there is something that will happen to your body which you didn’t experience before.
A person who is in love will have a special effect in the body which is to have a strong force of energy that resulted into a huge flow of good feelings chemicals that is converted into a certain physical as well as a little of mental reaction about the feelings towards another person.
There is a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness whenever you are in love.
Why do people have an intense excitement and happiness whenever they are in love?
There are actually many reasons behind it, there is spiritual, there is physical, and even there is scientific.
So if we talk about science, falling in love doesn’t mean about the other person whom you are in love but it’s merely due to hormones, which is believable in other ways but not supported by some specially of those who experienced already about what is falling love, because for them it is just the chemical in the brain that is responsible for making you and giving you such wonderful feeling.
Reason number 3
What effects can falling in love do to our body?
Once you are in love, your blood pressure will get lowered, because your mind and body is at a relax situation and therefore, you will have a good mood no matter how stressful the day is.
There are situations that you feel little stress as well specially if you expect their presence and you are disappointed, but it will all depend upon what stage are you with your relationship whether you’ve just started or for already a little longer time.
You will feel more stable and safe, however, there is another reason for feeling a little stress, because being in love, you will feel a little anxious about the one you love specially if you’re not together.
Reason number 4
How exactly is the feeling of being in love?
Being in love will have different effects in every person, so we can’t tell that what they experienced will be the same as the others.
Usually, when falling in love there is a way that will lead to a psychological and emotional instability.
You will be either experiencing lack of appetite, on and off sleep, euphoria, sudden increased of energy, heart beats faster than normal, feeling of anxiety, lack of concentration, looking at things without directions.
You are always hoping that the person whom you fall in love will suddenly come, you always like to be fresh and fragrant, always looking at the mirror making sure you are at your best look, always looking at the phone if there is any message coming from them, and many, many more exciting feeling of happiness.
Reason number 5
Is there a revealing signs of the person who is falling in love?
Those who are falling in love will normally show an unusual reaction, which is noticeable to their settings of priorities, daily normal routine will be changed, clothing or attires will be unique, frequently taking a bath, and brushing teeth more than the usual, just for the preparation of their meetings or dates.
Upon waking up in the morning he or she is the first person you will remember and even going to sleep he or she is the last person you will be thinking.
You will be thinking of some future imagination about your future sweet togetherness, and many more signs which only those who are in love can understand.
So all those few amazing feelings are just some examples and signs that you are in love.
Reason number 6
Is it possible to fall in love with the right person?
Definitely almost all impossible have the chances to become possible, if you try to look closely about the word ‘Impossible’ it is just saying, ‘I am possible.’
So falling in love with the right person is possible, and that is what made the falling in love a wonderful feeling, because you have fallen in love with the one who is also falling in love with you.
Although, it’s not easy to figure out in the beginning whether it’s the right one or not, that even your own feelings towards the person is also not 100% sure if what really you have experienced for it might be just a lust or it’s really a genuine one.
Try to look back on some paragraphs above about the signs and collect them to your own situations and then you will have a little guide about the signs that you have if it matches with your experience.
Then it will be easier for you to determine whether your situation of being in love is a true feeling or just a mere fling.
Reason number 7
To love is nothing, to be loved is something, and to love and be loved is everything.
We human being have hearts, but we need to put an emotion in it as well or else we can’t be human at all.
Everyone has his story of his life specially about love life, but when it comes to falling in love, there is no much better story than that, therefore, the most beautiful one is only about love specially when it is forever.
Most of us have fallen in love by chance, but once we stay in love that is our own choice.
Yes, we all make mistakes because that is part of our life, but you are never mistaken if you fall in love.
There is nothing wrong with loving in a right way, because the author of it all is our creator who teach us to love by loving us first. We learn how to love because God first loved us.
1 John 4:19We love because he first loved us.
The awesome feeling of love had originated from God as a matter of fact God is our first love. (Revelation 2:4)
Revelation 2:5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place—unless you repent.
Revelation 2:4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.
There is nothing wrong of loving because to love is a sign that you are of God and God is with you.
1 John 4:16-18 God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
We are actually being instructed to love one another for love is of God, and once we have love in our hearts that means you know God for if we don’t love means we don’t know God for GOD IS LOVE.
1 John 4:7-8 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
We human being have two hearts, one is physical and the other one is spiritual.
Your physical heart has nothing to do with your feeling, that’s why even if doctor will remove it once it’s defective and transplant it with a different one, it won’t change with the feeling with your previous heart that was removed.
In other words, if you were in love, you will still be in love even though you already change your heart, because the heart that gives you emotion is the spiritual heart which is your second heart, and that heart has eyes to see spiritual things.
Many people have failed in explaining things with regards to love, because they are only focusing on physical heart and brain’s function towards feelings.
Once again, we learn to love because we are taught by God who is the first one who loved us because God is love.
God gave us that spiritual heart to love not to hate, and that is what God means when he said in the book of: Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
I hope you have learnt something from this article of mine titled Why we fall in love.
I have plenty more exciting articles to be disclosed during my next blog.
So don’t ever miss it!
If you have any questions or comments about my unique content, please feel free to write them in the comment box and I will be more than happy to hear it.
FOUNDER OF BOOKWORM OR https://franciscorondinalaurito.com
Francisco Laurito is a passionate advocate for holistic well-being. With a deep understanding of relationships, health, and personal growth, he empowers individuals to create fulfilling lives. Through his insightful writing and practical advice, Francisco guides readers on their unique journeys towards greater happiness and health.

Hello there! This is a great post! Love has been something that I haven’t had much experience in yet. But after reading your post, it’s has been great to learn about the science behind it all and what our bodies go through. I guess it just takes time to find that special someone. But until then, I will focus more on improving myself and doing the things I enjoy. Hopefully I can meet that special someone through those experiences. Kind of want to avoid online dating for now. Thanks for sharing.
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