Be Smarter Than A Scammer

What is a scam? and how do you know if they are a scammer?

A person who is using deceptive tricks and ideas with the mere purpose which is to swindle or trick the victim. Usually, they did it through encouraging the person to a huge number of properties or money that the victim can obtain once he follows the step-by-step procedure which will include bank accounts, personal information, and of course a certain amount of money in exchange of the huge one once the procedure has been completely done.

Scammer will always disguise to be somebody else and will act favorably in order to win your trust.

Scammers popular tool for scamming is the internet and they will encourage the victim into using it through opening emails and websites.

A scam is something that is used by someone who is trying to trick somebody through his deceptive scheme in order to cheat or to swindle out of something specially money matters.

How do we know that it’s a scam?

Most scammers way of scamming you is by pretending to be from a business that you know.

They will create a name that will sound familiar to you.

They will contact you informing that they are representative of the government or from any establishments and you are required to make an immediate action.

Scammers have an advance technology that can make them appear trustworthy, they can even make a trick on your phone to make you see that they are real and trustworthy caller.

They will use a lot of strategies through deceptive information, like telling you that there is a problem with your bank accounts and you need to verify it or else it might be closed.

Scammers will inform you that there is a problem you need to solve or you have won a prize that you need to claim.

They will send you information that you have a final warning regarding unpaid debts from the government, or your accounts are being hacked and you need to contact them for account protection.

Some of them will call you to inform that your name or your email address have been chosen to migrate into certain popular countries and all you have to do is just to register right away for the offer is limited and will expire very soon.

Scammers will excite you so that you will make an urgent action.

They want you to act without thinking through pressuring you with time.

Scammers will tell you that this is your only opportunity to decide and after this there will be no more chance for you for there are more people who are interested and you just happened to be the lucky one to have been chosen for this offer.

Some scammers strategies is to threaten you that you have done something wrong and you need to settle it as soon as possible or else you will be facing a big problem with your business or your job.

They will pretend to be the lawyer or any representative that will help you to fix the problem while it’s not yet getting bigger.

They will tell you that your case is already being filed and if you don’t make an action there is a possibility that you will be arrested, deported, terminated or of many ways to threaten you to take action as soon as possible.

Scammers will ask you to pay an amount in a certain way.

With whatever exciting offers, they will insist in telling you to pay this amount using various ways of payments like western union, gift card, cryptocurrency, by wiring money, or by any popular payment online.

Scammers will show you bank accounts that has a lot of money deposited in it, they will sometimes send you bank check which will later be found to be fake but they will tell you to deposit it as soon as possible and send it back to them.

How to avoid being victimized by scammers?

Whenever you received an unknown calls or text messages, never entertain them and block them right away.

Never share any personal information if anyone will ask you to provide it for guaranteeing that they will settle your problems in regard to your back accounts or any financial matters which they told you that having a problem.

Always remember that no matter what happens, your bank or any reliable organizations will never email, call, or text you to provide your personal information specially bank accounts or credit cards.

How to be smarter than a scammer?

If you received an email or message from your bank, company, or from any familiar business that you know, it’s still safe to not to open any links that they provide, it is much safer to log in to their authentic website, or call them directly using their own phone number.

Never let yourself be carried away by the pressure that the scammer is giving you in order for you to decide immediately without thinking.

Real businesses will not rush you but they will give you sufficient time to decide. Thereby, anyone who is doing the opposite which is to pressure you to pay right away, or to give right away your personal information are a big sign that they’re a scammer.

Never pay anything to anyone who is asking you to pay right away, the real transaction will take time, and honest businesses are willing to wait because they know the value of the decision-making.

Ask some second opinion from your trusted friends, and share what you are dealing with for they might have encountered the same situation as yours and then you will come out to realize that you are barely scammed.

Always protect yourself and be alert about it for scam has really existed.

Never entertain any text or call from unknown people no matter how urgent or how important it is.

Ignore any messages or texts that you think suspicious, and don’t click on all attachments in emails that they are instructing you to do.

Scammers are very clever and we all are vulnerable to them for they use a lot of tricks that tempt us to be victimized if we are not careful enough.

That’s why scammers have succeeded because if we don’t investigate it they will look exactly the same as the real one that we know.

And that’s how smart they are nowadays, and they are taking all advantages by using their innovative technology, brand new products or services, creating some credible stories that will entice you to pay your money or to give your personal details in exchange of it.

Remember that when it looks like too good to be true, it is a possible scam.

So never send money, and never share your bank account details.

Be alert about unusual payments requests for that is the most common method that scammers are using.

Beware of the offers that seems unusually good to be true, and only use the online shopping services that you always used and trusted.

I hope you have learnt something from this article and by this you will become smarter than the scammer.

If you have any comments or questions, please write them below in the comments box and I will be more than happy to hear it.

Thank you very much for the time you spent reading this content, that is much highly appreciated.


3 thoughts on “Be Smarter Than A Scammer”

  1. Thank you, Francisco, for such an insightful and comprehensive article on identifying and avoiding scams. You’ve highlighted several critical points that are essential for safeguarding oneself against deceptive schemes. Your breakdown of the typical tactics used by scammers—such as creating a sense of urgency, impersonating familiar organizations, and requesting unusual payment methods—provides clear warning signs to look out for.I especially appreciate your advice on not engaging with unknown callers or messages and taking the time to verify any suspicious communications through official channels. It’s a crucial reminder in a world where scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated and believable.Your tips on resisting pressure tactics and seeking second opinions are invaluable. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the urgency that scammers create, and pausing to think critically can make all the difference.The emphasis on using trusted and familiar online services and avoiding unsolicited links or attachments is another strong point. It’s a practical step everyone can take to protect their personal information and finances.Overall, your article is a great resource for anyone looking to understand and outsmart scammers. It empowers readers with knowledge and practical steps to take in order to protect themselves. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and helping us become more aware and vigilant against these threats.Keep up the great work!Best regards,


  2. Hi, Your website is very helpful to people who may be vulnerable to scammers. We all have to be wary as there are so many scammers and very sophisticated methods may be used by the scammers to deceive their victim. i was the victim of a scam about cryptocurrency, which made me feel very foolish afterwards. I should have been far more suspicious and sceptical about people who I dont know. There are thousands and thousands of people out there trying to scam people out of money using various scams which are continually evolving and new scams being tried out by scammers using ever more sophisticated methods. It is quite scary when you really think about it. Alan

    • Good day Mr. Edwards, thanks so much for your very valuable comments. You are really very good in creating content comments, you are giving the reader additional ideas about scammers through your personal experience. Thanks once again for spending your time reading my content. Have a nice day, and may God bless you as always.


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