Coronavirus is now known to be the deadliest virus ever experienced by the world which is still horrifying us, as of the moment.
There is no one yet on our time that has an idea about how to prevent yourself from coronavirus, and nobody has known it yet if what to do during pandemic, and when shall this be ended?
although there are news already spreading around, about the discovery of the vaccines who can stop it from infecting people around the globe.
Even if the vaccine is already there, it will probably take more months or year in observation of what will be the side effect of it, because it’s not only about curing or healing that they have to consider,
but also they need to find out for there is maybe some harmful side effects it can bring specially to those who have never been infected but injected with the vaccine for infection prevention.
Coronavirus is defined as in any of a group of RNA viruses that cause a variety of respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological diseases in humans and other animals.
What is RNA? RiboNucleic Acid, a nucleic acid present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses RNA rather than DNA carries the genetic information.
An RNA virus is a virus that has RNA as its genetic material. This nucleic acid is usually single-stranded RNA but may be double-stranded RNA.
Notable human diseases caused by RNA viruses include the common cold, influenza,
SARS, COVID-19, Dengue Virus, hepatitis C, hepatitis E, West Nile fever, Ebola virus disease, rabies, polio and measles.
What is a coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that are common among animals.
In rare cases, they are what scientists call zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
The viruses can make people sick, usually with a mild to moderate upper respiratory tract illness, similar to a common cold. Coronavirus symptoms include a runny nose, cough, sore throat, possibly a headache and maybe a fever, which can last for a couple of days.
For those with a weakened immune system, the elderly and the very young, there’s a chance the virus could cause a lower, and much more serious, respiratory tract illness like a pneumonia or bronchitis.
How it spreads?
When it comes to human-to-human transmission of the viruses, often it happens when someone comes into contact with an infected person’s secretions, such as droplets in a cough.
Depending on how virulent the virus is, a cough, sneeze or handshake could cause exposure.
The virus can also be transmitted by touching something an infected person has touched and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes. Caregivers can sometimes be exposed by handling a patient’s waste, according to the CDC.
Human-to-human transmission has been confirmed to be the quickest way of spreading the virus, but experts now are trying to understand who is transmitting it most, who are those that are risking to be infected easily.
Other transmission is occurring mostly in hospitals with patients that are tested to be positive with COVID-19, because the air they are inhaling is rotating all around the hospital. But the super spreaders are still human-to-human.
Coronavirus treatment.
So far there is still no specific treatment, but researchers is on their way. Most of the time symptoms will just go away on their own, as soon as the symptoms are being detected, the infected person should be isolated right away to avoid spreading the virus.
Whether the vaccine or the cure will be there already, the best thing to do is still prevent ourselves from the infection, in order for us to not to risk of dying of it, and also to not to become a spreader of it.
When there are any symptoms for even just a standard cold, cough, or fever, right away you should see the doctor, to find out what you really are having.
As of the moment, doctors are using just fever medication to relieve from the symptoms, but according to the CDC, a room humidifier or a hot shower can help a lot with a sore throat or cough.
So for the infected ones or for the non-infected, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting rest and sleep as much as possible, will help a lot in fighting and preventing against the virus.
The vaccine is underway but it will still take few months until clinical trials can be fully achieved, but it is known to last for probably another more months before it can be available to the world.
So our only ways is to prevent ourselves from infection, because prevention is much better than cure.
Another way of reducing risk of infection is by avoiding people who are sick. Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Wash your hands as often as possible with soap and water and for at least 20 seconds or more.
Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and disinfect the objects and surfaces you touch.
Be in compliance with the social distancing protocol, avoid any gatherings, visiting friends, and avoid conversing with other people.
Some have said that coronavirus can also infect to animals like our pets, and there were questions whether your pets can also have COVID-19 and then pass it to the owners.
Since animals are living being, there is also a possibility that they can carry the virus and will pass it to you.
So dogs or any other pets that are allowed by owners to roam around to other places, there is a big possibility that they will be carrying the virus and pass it to you, so it is much better to keep your pets to stay in your home,
if your house have no fence, better tie them so that they will not become the reason for your life to be endangered by being infected by COVID-19.
There were few reports that dogs and cats had been infected with COVID-19, so for your own pets, it’s must safer to keep them in contact with other people, so we also have to apply to them the social distancing protocol implemented by CDC or Centers for Disease Control.
What are the ways to prevent it from spreading at home?
There are general guidelines to be followed as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, regarding household proper ways and procedures for cleaning and disinfecting to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in all homes.
The virus will remain be on the contacted surfaces or materials for hours to days on surfaces that have been contacted or touched by the infected ones.
Our only way to prevent from spreading and killing the virus is by doing the best practice of proper procedure and protocol of cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces,
Examples of highly-touched surfaces are tables, chairs, doorknobs, light switches, remote, sinks, toilets, faucets, cellphones and handles. Minimize using cash payments with exchange, or better use credit or debit cards so that your only worries to sanitize is just your card.
But before entering your house make sure you wash and sanitized your hands. Change your clothes outside your house, and put it straight to washing and sanitize again before entering,
or if possible it is much safer if you take a bath straight before changing your clothes.
Try to avoid eating cold and raw foods from outside. If you like to eat some salads, blanch it first for at least 1 minute to the boiling water, then have your safer to eat salads.
Cleaning should always be followed by disinfection, because the virus will not be killed by just cleaning, you should also sanitize it.
Cleaning is just defined as the removal of germs, dirt, and impurities of the surfaces, but it is not completely killing the virus, so even though the places and the surfaces are looking great, the risk of being infected by the horrible virus is still present.
We need some chemicals if we talk about disinfection, but cleaning can only be done with regular cleaning soups.
Disposable gloves are very important to be worn while disinfecting dirty surfaces. Use a different wiping cloth on each cleaning, one for cleaning and another one for sanitizing or disinfecting.
Always wash your hands, after touching, dirty objects, or chemicals to avoid cross contamination.
We need to wash hands not only for the spread of the virus but for also avoiding the possible poison we have in our hand from handling disinfectant or any sanitizing materials.
Cleaning dirty surfaces can be done with just using detergent or soap and water, but for disinfection, we need to apply some diluted household bleach solutions,
alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol, or any suggested cleaning and sanitizing materials by the CDC.
Always read the labels of any disinfectant or bleach solutions for proper dilution of it. Any expired cleaning materials should be discarded right way.
Use the proper cleaning agent according to its kind and use. Always follow the guidelines and instructions according to the manufacturer’s way of using it.
Whether there is anybody in your family that is infected by COVID-19 or not, the best way to do is to always comply the 6 feet apart from others and avoid social gatherings as much as possible,
avoid all sorts of physical contacts, and if you happen to be in a queue, try to avoid conversing with each other.
-Wash your hands with soup and water for 20 seconds or more is the very first practice that we should accustomed wherever we are, every now and then specially after touching some dirty things or after using the toilets.
So before eating, even if you think you have never touched anything dirty, make it a habit of washing hands.
How do we wash our hands- first wet your hands, then apply soap before washing for at least 20 seconds or more. Include your palms, the back of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails,
and then rinse thoroughly. Once again wash your hands often, but especially after you’ve been in a public places or if you have coughed or sneezed.
If you like to learn some biblical insight about coronavirus please click this link.
I hope this article has taught you a little knowledge about how to prevent yourself from coronavirus. If you have any questions, comments, and suggestions, please feel free to write them below and I will be more than happy to hear it.
Founder of the Bookworm Website or
Francisco Laurito is a passionate advocate for holistic well-being. With a deep understanding of relationships, health, and personal growth, he empowers individuals to create fulfilling lives. Through his insightful writing and practical advice, Francisco guides readers on their unique journeys towards greater happiness and health.